In company jargon, when you talk about feedback you immediately think of the corporate moment linked to performance assessment and therefore to a moment of exchange between the people manager and the collaborator. We propose some reflections for effectively exchanging (giving/asking and receiving) your opinions, because we are firmly convinced that feedback is an extremely useful tool for improving results or facilitating relationships on all levels… Even among colleagues.

Feedback is needed to confirm something that is alright (let's say even when things are working!!) or to correct something.

How to give Feedback

For how to do it best, here you'll find some of our advice:

  • Ask yourself for whom you are giving feedback… Real feedback is a gift for the person who receives it. It must be expressed in a way that they are able to take it and use it.
  • Feedback is to be given only on behaviours or actions, never on the person:
    - give a good description of the occasions that you are looking at
    - use objective facts
    - specify what consequences these facts had.

  • Feedback is for the future: the goal is to allow the person to improve or further enhance something that they already do well. In the former case, you can suggest actions for improvement and/or alternative behaviours, in the latter case you can put into play the same type of behaviour.

How to receive Feedback

  • Listen carefully: breathe in a relaxed way, make sure you understand well. If something isn't clear to you, ask questions and ask for examples. Summarize what your interlocutor said.
  • Think back on the feedback you received: analyse what you were told. And perhaps reflect in writing on what seemed useful to you and what didn't. On the emotions/reactions while you receive your feedback.
  • Work on yourself: to better use the feedback received you have to work on yourself and therefore write out a nice action plan, perhaps sharing it with those who gave you the feedback. This will help you to achieve significant improvements.